Citation Management
Citation management software is useful for organizing references and creating bibliographies. There are many citation management programs available, each with its own strengths. Many are available, though sometimes with less functionality, for free.
Learn about the free citation generators available online, like BibMe and EasyBib. Please refer to Researcher's Guide in the Library Portal.
What is APA Citation Style?
APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the social sciences disciplines (Purdue OWL).
The sixth edition of the manual offers examples using the general format of the APA research paper. This guide is intended to provide you with examples from the APA manual for your research process.
Online Resorces
Review the resources on this page for more information regarding the APA citation format.
The Purdue OWL formatting and style guide provides examples on how to correctly cite material with the 6th edition
APA Manual.